Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 1.09.09 PM{SS} What is your current job? 

{Leah} I'm an executive assistant at Detroit Venture Partners, which is a venture capital firm in downtown Detroit. I help our CEO, Josh Linkner, with a little bit of everything and help to ensure our office runs smoothly. There's no "typical" day, which keeps it interesting!

{SS} You are also a business owner, (past and current ventures) can you give us a few key pointers you have learned along the way and update us on your newest venture? 

{Leah} Prior to working at DVP, I was running my own business, and through trial and (lots of) error, I learned that there's no shame in asking for help. By being humble and aspiring to improve upon your own skills, experts in your field are often willing to mentor and provide advice. Take them up on it! Constantly working on your own game will not just better yourself for your current task, but also for future projects, when something won't be new and scary anymore. In addition to working here at DVP, I also freelance with creative endeavors; what I do could serve as elements of a great event: gluten-free baked treats and calligraphy. I love working creatively and the change of pace from my "day job" keeps me sharp, constantly honing my skills.

{SS} Secret to work / life balance? Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 1.09.28 PM

{Leah} Even though I work at a company that funds tech startups, I'm admittedly really low tech… so I don't use an app or anything for my day-to-day. However, I'm very conscious about doing things for myself and for others, which keeps me sane. I make a point to volunteer with Almost Home Animal Rescue at least once a week.cropped-almost_home_long_2

Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 1.09.49 PM{SS} You work and live in Detroit? What do you love about living in "The D"?

{Leah} My boyfriend and I both walk to our jobs, which is SUCH a luxury! Aside from the convenience, we both love being here in Detroit – the energy is lively, and there's always something new opening. In the two and a half years we've been here, so much has changed for the better, which is incredible. While all the restaurants and bars and shopping are all great, Eastern Market on Saturdays is certainly my favorite thing – fresh produce from Michigan farmers, walking among tens of thousands of people, checking out local vendors and trucks – it's the perfect way to start off a weekend morning.

{SS} In regards to your personal style, do you have a signature accessory? img-thing       cbd12bfrg

{Leah} I always wear my Shinola watch that my boss got for me, as well as an Alex and Ani friendship bangle that one of my best friends bought for me before she moved away. She has a matching one and we both always wear them.

{SS} A few items in your "Styleshack" A.K.A closet that you can't live without? 7_3cd5587e-8be7-4525-97a0-109629075913 c690d1286aebbf506dcd384d29dd45e0

{Leah} AG skinny jeans: these were soft when I bought them, but now after being worn-in, they're seriously like butter. I prefer them to sweats.Michael's flannels: my boyfriend has a bunch of flannel button-down shirts, which I end up stealing out of his closet to wear when I sleep, cook, or run errands. They're comfortable and they're his - which makes them so much better.

{SS} Who inspires your style?  Favorite Style Icon? 

{Leah} I'd have to say Kate Hudson – she always looks put together but artistic and unique at the same time. Plus, her skin is incredible – I love that she doesn't ever seem to wear a ton of makeup, and she just glows.c4cffb230d50562575282e9e4b0a51a6Skeleton Key

              {SS} Style Archetype?Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 11.55.24 AM

{Leah} Boho Chic

{SS} Favorite Blog(s)? {Leah} The Barefoot Contessa and Joy the Baker. They're both about food! Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 2.11.43 PM Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 2.11.56 PM

10417690_10152035283821324_7227438705812340630_n{SS} Favorite local boutique? {Leah} Caruso Caruso in Birmingham – Jillian is amazing and always helps stock the store with jeans to fit every woman's body. I never leave there empty-handed!{SS} Favorite local restaurant? {Leah} Joe Muer Seafood. Hands down, best seafood in the city. Incredible meal for a celebration, but equally fun to grab sushi and watch a Tigers game at the bar!Joe Muer piano bar 10364090_704223089614811_5110478126669904593_n0385343671.1.zoom{SS} Summer read? {Leah} "The Imperfectionists," by Tom Rachman. Also, I should also recommend "The Road to Reinvention," by Josh Linkner, if you're into business books!

{SS} Words to Live by?

{Leah} "Monotony is the awful reward of the careful." -A.G. Buckham