{SS} What inspired you to start your company?{SOF} I am a mother of 4 and was frustrated with trying to be green and grocery shop – so I designed and patented a “Grocery shopping set”. A convenient pouch that you take to the store, it expands into a full size insulated tote, and includes 2 additional shopping bags – and one of them expands for bulk items. The small pouch – the 3 bag set is equivalent to loading 10-12 plastic bags of groceries… No brainer.{SS} Currently, do you have a favorite style or bag you are wearing?{SOF} I wear our signature Metro Bag everyday. Actually I drive with it, I shop with it, I come home and cook with it and forget to take it off. That is my savior – has a place for everything, cross body/hands-free, insulated drink sleeve, hidden pockets, clip for keys, its really the most practical bag ever. {SS} In regards to YOUR personal style, do you have a signature look or accessory?{SOF} I am a wife beater/jean kind of gal – but am told that I do have a signature look. I tend to choose pieces that can mix and match with everything. I always add a splash of color or a scarf to jazz up my daily look. {SS} A few items in your "Styleshack" (aka) closet that you can't live without?{SOF} As I mentioned, my Metro Bag and I are in a committed relationship but I also never go to the grocery store without the inSOLator 3 bag set. It really has made shopping an entirely different experience for me. Loading and unloading are super easy and I just fold up the bags when I'm done. I love the duffel of course because you never know how much shopping you will do on a trip so this way I just throw the pouch in my carry on bag and if I need another bag I can always unzip it into a duffel.     {SS} Who or What inspires your personal style? Favorite Style Icon?  {SOF} Henry Cuir inspires my style. I love the earthy, rugged look and I find his styles super   easy to wear and combine with the rest of my wardrobe. {SS} Favorite fashion or lifestyle blog?{SOF} I try to keep up with the Huffpost fashion blog and I browse around for blogs written by other moms in business like myself.         {SS} Favorite "local" boutiques?{SOF} I love Sundance for shoes. {SS} Favorite Fashion App / Social Media Site?{SOF} I am active on Facebook and Twitter. {SS} Words to live by?{SOF} Hug your children and keep your family close. Connect with SAC OF LIFE: http://www.styleshack.com/sacsoflife Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 9.03.34 PMFacebook  / Twitter