(SS): What inspired you to start the Magazine?(KB): StyleLine wasn’t my idea. There were other Gannett magazines like it that were having great success across the country so it made sense to follow the model. However, we were able to make it completely our own: naming it, creating the look and feel for it and coming up with our own departments, features, etc. I was actually freelancing at the time, writing for everyone from local to national pubs, and was pretty much loving life when the call came about starting a new magazine. I initially said no without hesitation, then asked, “What kind of magazine?” When I hear the word “fashion” I knew I was in. (SS): In regards to your personal style, do you have a signature look or accessory?(KB): I guess you could say my signature look is my bangs, otherwise, I’d say no. I’ve never been good about putting myself into a single category. One day I may want a minimalist look and then next, vintage with stacks of bracelets. I like having options. Even my bangs can be pushed to the side when I’m feeling it!(SS): A few items in your "Styleshack" A.K.A closet that you can't live without.(KB): That’s a really good question. The easy answer is I could live without any of it, because in reality, I could. I don’t get too tied to any items in my wardrobe. Because I’m always changing how I feel about pieces. Which goes back to why I don’t have a signature look. Right now I spend a lot of time in my flat knee boots. Last year I bought a RACHEL Rachel Roy faux leather moto jacket with the most perfect draping and I still wear it so much, I assume most people expect to see me in that one piece more than anything else in my closet. I also have more pairs of SPANX tights/leggings than I’d like to admit, but damn, they smooth out a girl! (SS): Who or What inspires your style?  Favorite Style Icon? (KB): This changes from day to day. I can be inspired by a woman on the street, an ad in a magazine or a friend. Locally, Kelly Johnson and Renee Deardeuff’s ensembles inspire me every time I see them.(SS) Style Archetype? (KB): Classic Chic STYLESHACK_CLASSIC(SS): Favorite fashion or lifestyle blog? (KB): Is it bad that I’m not a big blog reader? I just don’t have the time! I used to love “Go Fug Yourself.” It combines fashion with humor. What’s not to love?(SS): Favorite "local" boutiques?(KB): The Peacock Room, SHE, Closet NV, Tender                     (SS): Favorite online store?(KB): I don’t shop online.(SS): Favorite Fashion App / Social Media Site? (KB): I’m a diehard Facebook fan. I can connect with friends and family, promote the magazine/my projects and get answers to everything I’ve ever needed to know in life.(SS): Are you working on any new beauty/fashion ventures? (KB): My 501(c)(3), Detroit Garment Group Guild, is my baby. Our mission is to educate our fashion community to build better businesses for a flourishing fashion industry, creating new jobs and stimulating Michigan’s economy! Check it out: http://www.detroitgarmentgroup.org      (SS): Words to live by?(KB): Be good to others, and never forget today’s employee can be tomorrow’s boss – don’t burn bridges!