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{SS} What inspired you to start your company?

{CR} Inspiration for Clicktivated came from frustration I'd experience when watching video online and seeing items I either wanted to buy or learn more about. There was no technology that existed that allowed viewers to interact, shop or further engage with the content.  I wanted to create something that would solve this issue and fundamentally change how we produce, distribute and consume video moving forward. Changing the way an entire market(video) functions and making an overall better customer experience is what really motivates me on a daily basis.  I believe that with an ever-changing consumer, technology should adapt and offer a solution through all media forms that keeps up with their on-demand/on the go lifestyle. Clicktivated not only allow consumers to consume on their own terms(on any platform) but we also help brands and retailers sell more products in more places. Brands and retailers produce amazing video content created to sell product without having the ability to sell product directly through that video.  Clicktivated helps solve this issue.


{SS} What is unique about your business? {CR} We are a patent pending interactive video solution created to help video producers monetize their video content and further engage their viewer. We created a very user friendly totally non intrusive experience that truly is one of a kind and creates results.BrJgBT7CYAAHXvU.jpg-large{SS} What do you love about your job?{CR}I love the daily challenges, the ups and downs and learning from all experiences in order to continue to create a better product to help shape an entire market segment.{SS} How would you define your style?

{CR} Classic/Traditional, Preppy/Collegiate, and Sporty/Rugged

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Jeffery George via Styleshack {SS} What music are you currently listening to?{CR} Country and the Hits{SS} What is your favorite Sports Team?{CR} Michigan State and the Tigers

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{SS} What is your favorite local restaurant?{CR} Big Rock

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 {SS} Words to live by?{CR} “Aim High”
